Ibo name, Nigeria
Meaning: You are God’s gift to the world. Your joy and lightness is an inspiration to all. You bring happiness to others simply by being who you are.
Capturing original values that nurture healthy, happy and peaceful lives.
Drawing on the wisdom of our African ancestors the sayings on these cards speak directly to you as a soul.
Focus your mind in a peaceful, receptive state and draw one card each morning. You’ll be provided with affirmation and guidance for the whole day.
In times of change or decision making, focus your mind on the concern (clear out other thoughts) and choose a card. You will get insight and energy to address the issue.
Use the cards in generous ways — share this link on social media, or print a set and pass them to friends and family. Passing them out on public transport is great fun!
Ibo name, Nigeria
Meaning: You are God’s gift to the world. Your joy and lightness is an inspiration to all. You bring happiness to others simply by being who you are.
Biribi Wo Soro
Ancient Adinkra symbol, Ghana
Meaning: God gives you heaven, this is your hope and your inheritance.
Yoruba name, Nigeria
Meaning: Knowing God champions the cause of the suffering, you make effort to remain light and easy in the face of all obstacles.
Ancient Adinkra symbol, Ghana
Meaning: You show great strength and character with your humility and willingness to serve.
Nguni saying, South Africa
Meaning: You give and share without expecting any return. You show great compassion for all.
Nja iri mukuru itiguujaga nderi.
Meru saying, Kenya
Meaning: You are one who remains pure and disciplined and therefore no obstacles (vultures) can come your way.
Nguni saying, South Africa
Meaning: You value others for their own intrinsic worth and thus enable them to maintain their dignity. You see and support others as valuable members of the community.
Nguni saying, South Africa
Meaning: You recognize our interconnectedness and responsibility to all others. You know the value of mutual affirmation.
Salama maganin zaman duniya.
Hausa saying, West Africa
Meaning: You understand that peace is the medicine needed to live in the world today. Through your love and tolerance you give this medicine to all.
Binto mbiang’ora, nsagasaga bikwanga.
Gusii saying, Kenya
Meaning: Your patience and accuracy enable you to accomplish any task in a successful way.
Ancient Adinkra symbol, Ghana
Meaning: You are a child of the Supreme Being. Your illumination is a reflection of His.
Ancient Adinkra symbol, Ghana
Meaning: Like the crocodile who lives in water, but breathes air—you live in this impure world, and yet connect to the pure sustenance of God.
Isiqhelo siyayoyisa ingqondo.
Xhosa saying, South Africa
Meaning: With your good habits and consistent discipline you conquer the wanderings of your mind and bring stillness and contentment to yourself and others.
Nguni saying, South Africa
Meaning: You provide service through your commitment to the community. You consistently demonstrate the value you hold for everyone.
Gye Nyame
Ancient Adinkra symbol, Ghana
Meaning: God is the Supreme, immortal one. You remember no one except God.
Eye of Horus
Symbol of Ancient Egypt
Meaning: You are in balance with the elements and all those around you. You are a majestic soul and have heightened awareness and expanded vision.
Yoruba name, Nigeria
Meaning: You have faith that God has rewarded you. With this knowledge you remain constantly content.
Icikupa Lesa teti wishibe.
Bemba saying, Zambia
Meaning: Although you are unaware what will happen next, you are filled with the awareness that God has provided you with the perfect roles to play for your learning and transformation.
Symbol of Ancient Egypt
Meaning: You inspire others with your commitment to accuracy and collective endeavors. You are one of the wonders of the world.
Ancient Adinkra symbol, Ghana
Meaning: Look to the wisdom of the past and follow a pure path. You can avoid mistakes with positive steps. For each step you take, God will help you a hundred fold.
Hye Wonhye
Ancient Adinkra symbol, Ghana
Meaning: Your existence is imperishable, you have the endurance to complete all tasks.
Mikono mingi kazi haba.
Swahili saying, East Africa
Meaning: Your open and cooperative spirit inspires other to work collaboratively and easily achieve any task.
Nyame Nwu Na Mawa
Ancient Adinkra symbol, Ghana
Meaning: You are eternal, just as God is eternal. Your essence is perpetual, and imperishable.
Yoruba name, Nigeria
Meaning: You know that whatever mistakes may occur God still has unlimited love and compassion for you and others.
O wera walya elyi atama.
Tembo saying, Democratic Republic of Congo
Meaning: Your honest and dedicated efforts mean that you will always receive nourishment for your body, your mind and your spirit.
Turina keessatt killen millaan adeemti.
Oromo saying, Ethiopia
Meaning: Through your perseverance and faith you transform yourself—much like a fragile egg becomes a healthy chicken—and move around and inspire others.
Bin Nka bi
Ancient Adinkra symbol, Ghana
Meaning: You live each day with peace and harmony.
Engai tajapaki tooinaipuko inona.
Maasai saying, Kenya
Meaning: You are one who is shielded from all sorrow with God’s canopy of protection.
Induku kayakhi muzi.
Ndebele saying, South Africa
Meaning: You are aware that violence does not build a home. You live your life non-violently, respecting diversity, equality and the inherent dignity of all.
Takipar bich che meloljinge ma.
Tugen saying, Kenya
Meaning: You bring peace and unity to the community by tirelessly “kindling the fire”, bringing people together to discuss and resolve conflicts, and by having good wishes for all.
Nalukolekejaga sonda walola lwala.
Sukuma saying, Tanzania
Meaning: You can see beyond the finger pointing at the stars, and comprehend the unlimited nature of the cosmos. You recognize the unlimited star like quality of every human being.
Symbol of Ancient Egypt
Meaning: You are a great protector and healer of others. Through your knowledge, lightness of spirit, and connection to the Supreme you provide the perfect guidance to those in need.
Ibo name, Nigeria
Meaning: You live in the awareness, every moment of everyday, that God showers blessings upon you. You are content.
Symbol of Ancient Egypt
Meaning: You are a royal, benevolent witness to the transformation of others, and have all the powers and patience to transform yourself.
Munyal deefan hayre.
Fufulde saying, West Africa
Meaning: You are filled with unlimited patience. Like a stone that takes time to be cooked, you are not rushed or anxious for others to change.
Xhosa saying, South Africa
Meaning: You have the courage to travel deep within yourself to reach true understanding, learning and healing. You recognize this is about connecting with yourself, with others and with God.
Bambara saying, Mali
Meaning: You know there is silence at the core of the universe where one connects with one’s true being. You are wise and strive to return to that silence inspite of the noisy material and social world.
Malak Uqabe
Amhara saying, Ethiopia
Meaning: You are an angel, in the company of other angels, that encircle people and constantly provide protection and peace.
Yoruba name, Nigeria
Meaning: You are certain of the fact that God loves you. This makes you strong and loving to all others.
Nkyin kyin
Ancient Adinkra symbol, Ghana
Meaning: You are versatile, take the initiative and play many roles. You are changing yourself into what you are truly meant to be.
Ancestor Wisdom Cards have been developed with great respect to honour Africa, to share the gift of African wisdom and art, and to promote values learned from our common African ancestors. The cards were developed by a small group of volunteers and are being shared not-for-profit. The cards draw on oral and published sources. Thanks to all collectors of African wisdom, and the women and men through the ages who have kept this wisdom alive.
These cards are a gift from Africa to the world.
Please send us a comment on your experience with the cards. If you are interested in a response include your name and email address.
All the cards have the image of the baobab tree. The baobab tree is an iconic image across the African continent. A tree can live to be 2000 years old, provides shade, a resting place for migrating birds and food for many, from insects to elephants. Baobab is considered a superfood filled with vitamins and antioxidants. It demonstrates the interdependence of nature. It is also considered sacred, and food to feed the ancestors and angels. It grows from a very tiny seed into a huge tree. The hope is the wisdom contained in these tiny cards can grow into peace and happiness in your life and spread to the world.
Comments and Contributions
This is an ongoing project. Your comments on Ancestor Wisdom Cards are welcome. Corrections to the interpretation and meaning of sayings is helpful. Suggestions of African sayings, proverbs and illustrations for inspiring cards with positive messages are invited. Our vision is to produce another edition of the cards that capture wisdom from all corners of the continent.